interconnections Schillerstr. 44
D - 79102 Freiburg
Tel. +49 761 700 650, Fax - 700 688
Version of Jan. 2nd 2007
Application Form for
the "Au-Pair-Box"-Service
I wish to benefit of the "Au-Pair-Box"-Service.
I have knowledge of the "Service-Description" as well as
of the "General Terms and Conditions of Business" and filed
them. The fees have to be paid on the basis of the actual price list.
I understand that agencies with several offices pay € 11,90 for any
more postal address on the agencies´ list or email address on
the mailing list respectively. All prices include VAT, momentarily
19 %, if applicable. Else prices are gross for net.
Prices in
Euro incl. VAT
(in EU-Countries) |
Offer 1 |
Offer 2 |
Offer 3 |
fee (once and for all) |
--- |
119,00 |
Monthly fee |
13,09* |
30,94** |
48,79 |
* Anual prepayment. ** 6 months´ prepayment.
Organisation |
Telephone |
Person in charge |
Fax |
No./street |
Email |
Postal Code, Town |
Homepage, Address for a Link |
am interested in: |
1 O |
2 O |
3 O |
Name of the subdomain under
(compare "Service-Description" here).
My internet adress shall be named as follows:
Town, Date, Signature, Stamp |
I wish to
pay by:
O Check
(in Euro !,
plus Euro 15 bank fees for any one check
Name of the bank
holder of the account
Bank code
account number
Should my account not be credited,
my bank is not obliged to make any payments.
O Credit Card
I declare that the following details are correct
and that I shall pay the fees which are due to interconnections
for the utilisation of the Au-Pair-Box-Service.
Card holder (Name, first name)
number of card
Valid until (month/year)
O Visa, O Eurocard, O Mastercard,
O American Express, O Diners Club
This agreement is valid until notice
of termination in writing (Registered letter with reply coupon).
Fees are always due in their totality.
Town, Date, stamp, signature of account holder |
Town, Date, stamp, signature of credit card holder |